Pretty soon, other pieces wanted to get in on the party.

Except for the relishes. They were very comfortable after years of being doted on by their owners.
Our main obstacle was the dog. We didn't want her breaking up our party or jumping on the table to see what was going on. We gave her a box of panty liners to chew on and keep herself busy.

Hello! I'm Mr. Well's Soup Bowl. I'm new in the collection. We were a special little discovery from the HLCCA convention-Taffy!

We soon infiltrated and took over the Fiestaware! We had too. They were way too bored, just laying there looking pretty.

Changes had to be made. So we suggested a party.

The only one who responded positively was Columbine.

With the cabinet doors wide open, the Casseroles; being the bravest, jumped right out.
Hello, how are you this fine evening?

I am very well, thanks for asking.

Ta Da!
With the

Macintosh poster looking over, Columbine, Riv and Harlequin all got together for some tea.

Even the tea towels got in on the action.

The Casseroles just had to discuss world politics, forcing others to seperate them.
Big Red Water Jug started to yell. I'm tired too. This is way too much excitement for one day!

The Casseroles yelled back. Well you're just an old Fuddy Duddy, who wouldn't know what fun was! And we are already heading outside so we don't disturb your
beauty rest.

With that, the rest of the pieces started to head outside.
Green Goddess and Purple Buddha were so excited to have company out side that they pulled all the chairs together and laid out the tea towels.

Big Red Water Jug was still upset. Secretly, he did not want everyone to go, but he was getting tired.

He said his goodnights and headed back to the Bosco the cabinet.

The tea cups understood that he was tired and said goodnight too.
The Fiesta Tea Pot was thrilled to be outside with the Columbine.

However, he did give the cold shoulder to the Riv Sugar Pot.

The tea cups did not understand why the tea pot would act that way and started to pull away from the rest of the group.

The Purple Buddha tried to pass some shots around, but no one seemed interested.
The Teapot noticed that the tea cups were being quiet and asked what was wrong. The tea cups explained that they were upset since they really wanted this party to go well and it seemed that the Teapot didn't get along with the Riv Sugar.

The Teapot told the tea cups that it was really all in their little heads. That the Teapot and the Riv Sugar were old friends. The Teapot explained that the diversity of all the wonderful Homer Laughlin pieces is what really makes a great set.

With that, Teapot, Sugar, and Columbine Creamer all had a wonderful group picture.

However, Sugar did tell tea cup that his relationship with Teapot was strained.
This is completely driving me crazy; trying to get these in some kind of before and after order.
Tower of Herbs and Buckets in May. Freshly planted with Tarragon on the top, Oregano and Thyme, Basil, and Rosemary on the bottom.

Tower of Herbs and Buckets June. In June, the Tarragon started to brown and wilt, followed by the Oregano Blooming with pretty pink flowers and then promptly turning brown and dying. The basil did return from the brink of death, but it looked like hell and I tossed it. I replanted with a baby Poblano plant, more Oregano-which I'm not going to allow to bloom, and Parsley-which Jim may have water logged.

Tower of Herbs with Basil replaced by Parsley and a new Oregano since the old one bloomed and died, July and Bucket

Snapdragons in May

Snapdragons in June

Snapdragons in July

Before and After
This was taken around June 13, about one month after the tomatoes had been planted.

This was taken on July 10th. It's amazing to see so much growth in just one short month.

Bleeding Hearts

My Neighbor's Lavendar
Back of the house

Who thinks this is a good idea?