Tower of Herbs and Buckets in May. Freshly planted with Tarragon on the top, Oregano and Thyme, Basil, and Rosemary on the bottom.

Tower of Herbs and Buckets June. In June, the Tarragon started to brown and wilt, followed by the Oregano Blooming with pretty pink flowers and then promptly turning brown and dying. The basil did return from the brink of death, but it looked like hell and I tossed it. I replanted with a baby Poblano plant, more Oregano-which I'm not going to allow to bloom, and Parsley-which Jim may have water logged.

Tower of Herbs with Basil replaced by Parsley and a new Oregano since the old one bloomed and died, July and Bucket

Snapdragons in May

Snapdragons in June

Snapdragons in July

Before and After
This was taken around June 13, about one month after the tomatoes had been planted.
This was taken on July 10th. It's amazing to see so much growth in just one short month.
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