Monday, March 12, 2007

What a catch!

I'll try to catch!
No, we'll make it easy for you!

Guilty Party! Posted by Picasa

High Temp Roast Chicken. Amazingly easy, Delious Chicken. I got the recipe from

Best part of the chicken is, it's roasted on your broiler pan (in your oven) and you thin slice potatoes and line them in the bottom of the pan. They get so crispy yummy!

Can I have some?
What about me? Posted by Picasa

Please, who could say no to this face!
Sweet Puff Ball

Wakie Wakie! It's time to get up!
 Posted by Picasa

DROOL! Look at that Drool, just hanging there!

Yes Mommy Dearest, We'll sit still.

Kisses on Kora Nose

Fun in the Snow! Posted by Picasa