Tomatoes! Tomatoes! The whole reason behind three tomato plants is, I don't want to spend $40 a week at the farmer's market on tomatoes.

This first one is the heirloom tomato. I'm keeping him pretty trimmed, like all the scraggly leaves on the bottom, so that it growes up and produces fewer, better tomatoes.

Here's Early Girl. I'm letting her go a little more than Heirloom, but I'm still picking off the blooms. I don't want too many tomatoes too soon.

Then all bets are off for the Super 100s. These are cherry tomatoes and I'm basically letting them go wild.

Jalepano, not on a stick.
The coneflower is starting to get some blooms.


I see you

The Lavender must be happy.
These guys are just going crazy!

oregano anyone?

The basil's back! This guy looked like death just a few weeks ago. Now it's coming back.

Aw, our little patio!
Look how tall this guy got!

Ponygrass gone crazy!

Little Firefly
Snapdragons gone crazy. I didn't know that they would start blooming all the way down the stalk. Now I have like 50 little baby snapdragons.

Cosmo is coming