Friday, May 26, 2006

Yea, I really need to take new pictures. This poor leaf is just suffering. I'm thinking about moving him behind buddha. He would still get light, but not as intense. And I think he'll look really cool hanging over buddha.
Aw, Buddha
Here is my neighbor's front yard

Here is Kora! Posted by Picasa

Look at the Colmbine

Coral Bells
My pretty Bleeding Hearts Posted by Picasa

My poor lilys. They have been transplanted three times and are just suffering. They have really drooped since this. At least I have a bunch on the other side of the back yard!

Front of the house

Look at our pretty little house!
Here's buddha. Posted by Picasa

These are my tomatoes and jalepeno plant. I've planted these on the South side of the house, outside of the fence. I'm hoping that they will get enough sun. At least Kora can't get them.

Here is one of my iris
Lily of the Valley
Two Iris Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

Here's my little clemtatis
Lots of snapdragons

Pink and White ones
 Posted by Picasa

This is the pot stand that I got at a Flea Market. I planted, from bottom to top, Rosemary and patio peas, Green and Purple basil, Oregno and creeping thyme, and Taragon. The Basil I think got too cold and has wilted away, the creeping thyme isn't doing too well, and the patio peas, well my vision of them growing up the sides isn't quite happening.
Then Tristen and I found these 3 gavenized pots at the same market, different weekend. Which Tristen took and totally ran with.

In this pot is: Calibrachon, Portulaca, and Euphobia
This pot: Black Heart Sweet Potato vine, Ponytail Grass, Red Pansy, Purple magesty millet, and Ballerinia Rose Ganra
This pot: Sun Coleus, Sweet Potato vine and Red Salvia Posted by Picasa