I'm Monica, Kora's owner and basically Mother. I'm the one who feeds and trains her, takes her to the vet, gives her plenty of snuggles. My Husband, Jim and I adopted Kora on August 3rd, 2002 from Animal Control in Chicago. Kora has been a wonderful child, I mean dog and we honestly couldn't imagine life with out our blue eyed baby.
Kora is fairly unique. She's a husky, rottie, shep mix. Basically she looks like a rottie with blue eyes. Her trainer used to say, for $19.95 you can get contacts the same color of her eyes. What really makes her something special is her un-ending appetite. This dog will eat anything and every thing that she can fit her mouth around. Usally, it all comes out the other end.
While Kora is napping on the couch, I'm going to publish some of her better feats of digestion.
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